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How to Mentor Your Mentee


Set clear goals and expectations for the mentoring experience 

  • Do this from the start. This will help to ensure that both the mentor and apprentice are on the same page and working towards a common objective. 

Be available/approachable 

  • Encourage them to reach out to you to ask questions and seek guidance as they need it 

Provide constructive feedback 

  • Offer your apprentice constructive feedback on your mentee's work and provide guidance on how they can improve. 

  • Be specific, objective, and respectful in delivering your feedback 

Encourage learning and development 

  • Help your apprentice identify their strengths and areas for improvement 

  • Encourage them to take on new challenges and learn new skills 

Foster open communication 

  • Encourage open and honest communication between you and your mentee. 

  • Helps to build trust and facilitate a productive and positive apprenticeship relationship 

Serve as a role model 

Be flexible 

  • Recognize and understand that every apprenticeship relationship is different, and be adaptable in your style and approach to suit your apprentice's needs. 

Regularly evaluate their progress 

  • Set time aside to check-in with your apprentice's progress and determine if any adjustments need to be made to the apprenticeship plan that's currently in place.  

  • Helps with meeting the needs of both parties and will show which areas are strong and which areas may need more attention. 

Encourage self-reflection 

  • Have your apprentice do a self check-in and take some time to reflect on their work, goals, and development. 

  • This can help them identify areas for improvement and set meaningful goals for the duration of their mentorship. 

Provide resources and support 

  • Offer resources and support to help your apprentice learn and grow. 

  • This can include access to trainings materials, introductions to industry experts, or assistance with networking. 

Celebrate successes 

  • Celebrate your apprentice's successes and accomplishments along the way. 

  • This will help to boost their trust, confidence, and motivation. 


Apprentice Evaluation