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Mandated Training

View the list of County of Riverside mandated training for employees, managers and supervisors.

    All new employees should complete the following training. If you are a manager or supervisor please change to the Manager and Supervisor tab. New hires to the county will have 90 days from the date assigned/date hired to complete all mandated training. 

    County-mandated courses are intended to help employees abide by the legal requirements of their job duties. If you miss more than 15 minutes of an instructor-led mandated course, then you will not receive credit and will be issued a “No Show” status. 

    Course Name Authority Update Frequency
     Disability Awareness  Form-11, 08/09/05 item 3.59  No time frame specified by policy
     Employee Harassment Prevention  Board Policy C-25  Every 2 years
     Title VI of the Civil Rights Act  Board Policy A-73  Every 2 years
     Repetitive Motion Injury  Safety Manual Doc #2005
    as required by CAL OSHA
      No time frame specified by policy
     Employee Workplace Violence
    (offered both online & in classroom)
     Board Policy C-27  No time frame specified by policy
     A-50 Electronic Media and Use Board Policy A-50 No update indicated by policy
     A-58: Information Security Training  Board Policy A-58 Every year
    C-35 Standards of Ethical Conduct to
    Address Fraud, Waste and Abuse
    Board Policy C-35 No update indicated by policy

    See Handouts

    Managers and Supervisors should complete the following training. Please note: For the purposes of mandated training, the Learning Management System categorizes a Manager or Supervisor as anyone that has a minimum of one employee reporting to them in Peoplesoft. New hires to the county will have 90 days from the date assigned/date hired to complete all mandated training. 

    County-mandated courses are intended to help employees abide by the legal requirements of their job duties. If you miss more than 15 minutes of an instructor-led mandated course, then you will not receive credit and will be issued a “No Show” status. 

    Course Name Authority Update Frequency
     Disability Awareness  Form-11, 08/09/05 item 3/59  No time frame specified by policy
     Disciplinary Process/Grievances  Board Policy C-23  No time frame specified by policy
     Family and Medical Leave Act (Employee Leave Laws: FMLA, CFRA,
     and More)
     Form-11, 06/03/03 item 3.15  No time frame specified by policy
     ADA/FEHA for Managers and Supervisors  Form-11, 06/03/03 item 3.59
     Board Policy A-74
     No time frame specified by policy
     Management Harassment Prevention  California Law AB1825  Every 2 years
     Title VI of the Civil Rights Act  Board Policy A-73  Every 2 years
     Repetitive Motion Injury  Safety Manual Doc #2005
     as required by CAL OSHA
     No time frame specified by policy
     Violence in the Workplace for Managers
     and Supervisors
     Board Policy C-27  As needed whenever new hazards
     are identified
     A-50 Electronic Media and Use  Board Policy A-50  No time frame specified by policy
     A- 58 Information Security Training  Board Policy A-58  Every year
     C-35: Standards of Ethical Conduct to
    Address Fraud, Waste, Abuse
     Board Policy C-35  No time frame specified by policy


    See Handouts